Farming Supplies
Plant & Seeds
We pride ourselves in offering a large selection of heirloom tomatoes, multiple varieties of cabbage, cucumbers, onions, peppers, melons, and squash. Live plants are available in spring and late winter from Bonnie Plant Farms and we proudly carry locally sourced plants from Greenhollow Nursery in Butler, TN. Selection will vary in store depending on availability and time of year.
We pride ourselves in offering a large selection of heirloom tomatoes, multiple varieties of cabbage, cucumbers, onions, peppers, melons, and squash. Live plants are available in spring and late winter from Bonnie Plant Farms and we proudly carry locally sourced plants from Greenhollow Nursery in Butler, TN. Selection will vary in store depending on availability and time of year.
Viewing: All Plants & Seeds

Ace 55 Heirloom Tomato
This old heirloom still has many fans. Heavy foliage helps protect tomatoes from sunburn.
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Acorn Honey Bear Squash
A summer bounty of acorn squash will be a source of delicious side dishes through winter.
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Anaheim Hot Pepper
Anaheim is the classic pepper used to make chile relleno and is also popular for drying to make ristras.
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Arkansas Traveler Heirloom Tomato
A favorite heirloom, Arkansas Traveler has a slight pink tint.
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Asparagus Fern
Deer don't like this plant, so it's a great choice for more rural decks and patios.
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Barker's Hot Pepper
Green fruits ripen to bright red, with heat increasing as peppers become redder.
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Better Bush Tomato
Better Bush is one of the best, most compact tomatoes for growing in containers.
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Big Beef Tomato
Be the first on your block with a giant tomato by growing this early beefsteak hybrid. A 1994 All America Selections winner, it boasts great disease resistance.
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Big Bertha Bell Pepper
Big Bertha earns its name by producing very large bell peppers.
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Big Boy Tomato
A favorite hybrid, the thick walls of Big Boy make perfect slices for the classic tomato sandwich.
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Black Beauty Zucchini
This is the classic, mildly flavored, dark green, oblong zucchini that helped make zucchini popular.
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Black Cherry Tomato
These little tomatoes are tasty straight from the vine, making them a delicious healthy snack choice.
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Black Diamond Watermelon
Choose this tasty variety if you agree that seed-spitting is part of the perfect watermelon-eating experience.
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Black Prince Heirloom Tomato
Black Prince is considered a black tomato but its color is really dark red.
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Blue Lake Bush
An old favorite, Bush Blue Lake offers an abundant harvest of plump, sweet, tender beans on bush-type plants that don't need trellising.
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Bonnie Green Bell Pepper
You'll be pleased with the flavor and yield of Bonnie Bell hybrid.
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Bonnie Hybrid Cabbage
This hybrid can be counted on to grow uniform large, round, blue-green heads that hold well in the garden.
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Bonnie Original Tomato
Developed in 1967 exclusively for Bonnie Plants, this hybrid tomato continues to be one of our best sellers. Very productive. This is one that Bonnie employees always grow at home.
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Boston Pickling Cucumber
Boston Pickling is an old favorite with proven high yields and great pickle quality.
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Bradley Heirloom Tomato
Mild, medium-sized pink Bradley tomatoes have been a Southern favorite since the early 1960s.
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Burpless Bush Hybrid Cucumber
Burpless Bush cucumbers offer the same great fruit as Burpless on very compact plants.
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Burpless Hybrid Cucumber
This burpless variety is great for slicing and eating fresh.
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Bush Early Girl Tomato
This compact tomato bears a surprising number of delicious tomatoes in a small garden or a pot.
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Bush Goliath Tomato
Bush Goliath is a patio-type tomato with very strong stems suited for containers.
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Buttercrunch Lettuce
Buttercrunch is a Bibb type whose prized shape and buttery, chewy leaves have become a favorite for salads.
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Buttercup Squash
The unique blossom end of Buttercup squash is referred to as a "button."
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Cajun Belle Pepper
Cajun Belle is a pretty, small bell pepper with just a touch of heat.
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Carmen Italian Sweet Pepper
Eat peppers as a healthy snack, chopped into green salads, or roasted.
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Carolina Cabbage Collard
Heirloom. Develops a cabbage-like head with the flavor of both cabbage and collards.
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Charleston Gray Watermelon
Charleston Gray watermelon has been popular for decades. If you want a big, oblong, old-fashioned watermelon, this is it.
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Cherokee Purple Heirloom Tomato
Cherokee Purple often wins tomato taste tests. Try it and see if you agree.
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Chile de Arbol Hot Pepper
Many chili cook-off competitors prefer chile de arbol over cayenne due to its complex taste and sizzling heat.
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Coleus proves that you can have great color without a single flower. Try its bold leaves in beds and containers.
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Coleus Sun
The shape and color of this dark leaved coleus is a great foil for lighter-colored flowers and leaves in the same container or garden bed. Our sun coleus comes in an assortment of leaf colors, shapes, and sizes
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Container's Choice Tomato
Though developed for containers, these tomatoes grow wonderfully in the garden as well.
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Crimson Sweet Watermelon
Crimson Sweet is long-time favorite for its sweet and juicy crimson flesh.
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Cubanelle Pepper
Cubanelle has large, irregular thin walls with a rich, mellow flavor.
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Dragon Cayenne Pepper
Tiny peppers pack a powerful punch. Ideal for pepper sauce in narrow bottles.
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Dragon Wing Begonia
Dragon Wing Begonia blooms pop against the dark, glossy foliage.
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Early Girl Tomato
Early Girl hybrid is the first slicing tomato to ripen each season. It's well known in many regions of the country.
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Easy Pick Gold Zucchini
Fruit can grow over 10 inches long, but taste better when smaller.
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Steam pods, then salt lightly. Pop out the beans for a tasty, nutritious snack.
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Flowering Cabbage
Use the entire head as a holiday centerpiece your guests will be sure to notice.
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Flowering Kale
Though more for looks than for eating, leaves make a wonderful dinner plate garnish.
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Garden Salsa Hot Pepper
Just a few of the long pods of Garden Salsa will add lots of pepper flavor and heat to your favorite chip dip
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The happy, bright flowers of drought-tolerant gazania love hot, dry conditions.
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Georgia Collards
Georgia collards are prized for their sweet, cabbage-like flavor. Leaves are ruffled and blue-green.
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German Johnson Heirloom Tomato
German Johnson fruit is large, with most weighing a pound or more.
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German Queen Heirloom Tomato
Known for its luscious flavor, one slice of the giant German Queen heirloom makes a great sandwich.
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Giant Marconi Pepper
Quickly turning from green to red, this pepper produces big, versatile fruit all summer and until frost in fall. (Image courtesy of All-America Selections.)
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Golden Jubilee Heirloom Tomato
Golden Jubilee yields meaty, low-acid tomatoes with few seeds and lots of vitamin A and C.
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Golden Scallop Pattypan
Many gardeners call this the flying saucer squash because of its unique shape.
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Goliath Tomato
Aptly named for its giant fruit, these giant, delicious tomatoes appear until frost.
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Gypsy Pepper
Easy to grow, Gypsy sweet pepper continues to grow in popularity because of flavor and ease.
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Hale's Best Jumbo Cantaloupe
This beloved heirloom melon has thick, light orange flesh.
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Head Lettuce
The classic head lettuce, Iceberg is a premier lettuce in many gardens, especially in regions where long cool seasons encourage solid heads.
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Heatmaster Tomato
Heatmaster tomato resists heat and many common diseases to produce quality fruit in Southern gardens.
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Heinz Classic Heirloom Tomato
Large red fruits keep well on the vines without cracking, so you can harvest a lot at once.
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Heinz Super Roma Tomato
These tasty fruits are quite meaty, making them ideal for sauces.
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Homestead Heirloom Tomato
If you have trouble with tomatoes not setting fruit in hot weather, try Homestead.
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Hot Banana Pepper
Harvest these peppers at all three states of ripeness to add a variety of color to a dish.
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Hot Red Cherry Pepper
Hot cherry peppers are a fiery version of the well-known sweet cherry.
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Husky Cherry Red Tomato
These sweet juicy cherry tomatoes that appear until frost are perfect for small gardens and containers.
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Jack O Lantern Pumpkin
Watch your Jack O' Lantern grow all summer, then harvest in time for autumn decoration.
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Jalapeno Hot Pepper
Jalapeņo peppers are one of the best-known hot peppers. They grow well throughout the US.
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Jet Star Tomato
This hybrid produces superior, delicious low-acid tomatoes with firm meaty fruit that is unlikely to crack.
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Jubilee Watermelon
Jubilee is a traditional, big, oblong melon with lots of good flavor and black seeds to spit.
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Juliet Roma Grape Tomato
This 1999 All America Selections Winner produces clusters of grape-shaped tomatoes great for salads, salsas, and pasta sauces.
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Lacinato Kale
Lacinato goes by many names: Tuscan, dinosaur, Nero di Toscana, black palm, black cabbage, and black kale.
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The colorful clusters of tiny lantana flowers make a big show that attract compliments as well as butterflies from spring until frost.
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Lantana Megan's Gold
Lantana is a great landscape plant that won't falter in summer's heat. Choose Megan's Gold for its more subtle color.
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Leeks are a unique member of the onion family grown for their mild-flavored stalks.
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Lemon Boy Yellow Tomato
This bright yellow tomato has lower acid flavor than red tomatoes.
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Mammoth Jalapeno Hot Pepper
With peppers up to 4 1/2 inches long, this jalapeno is most popular for stuffing and also with folks who just love to have lots of slices on hand.
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Marglobe Heirloom Tomato
One of the earliest improved tomatoes, Marglobe continues to be popular for its flavor and adaptability.
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Marigold Dwarf
The bright, crested blooms of Boy marigold make it one of the most popular dwarf marigolds ever.
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Marigold Medium
Durango is a medium marigold with big, crested flowers, strong stems, and unusual colors that are sure to please.
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Marion Heirloom Tomato
Marion FSt rewards gardeners with a nice harvest of large tomatoes on strong vines.
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Merlot Purple Pepper
Short on space? These richly colored beauties adapt well to growing in containers.
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Mexican Heather
A compact shrubby tropical, Mexican Heather is a great filler in containers and also makes a nice, blooming ground cover throughout the warm months.
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Mild Jalapeno Pepper
Mild Jalapeno is especially bred to offer full Jalapeno flavor, but not the heat.
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Morris Heading Collards
Heirloom. This open-pollinated variety produces broad, waxy leaves that vary from green to blue-green.
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Mortgage Lifter Heirloom Tomato
Mortgage Lifter is a huge tomato with a big history, too.
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Mountain Pride Tomato
Mountain Pride rewards gardeners with a nice harvest of large tomatoes on strong vines.
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Mr Stripey Heirloom Tomato
Part of the fun of Mr. Stripey is the surprise at harvest time. Fruit varies in color, and the stripes become more prominent as the fruit ages. See the variation on these fruit from our trial garden.
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New Girl Tomato
Set the garden stage for early tomatoes by adding New Girl to your planting roster.
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Prized for the nearly infinite colors, sizes and combinations, pansies are a must for any fall or early spring garden.
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Park's Whopper Improved Tomato
As the name says, this is a cousin of the famous Park's Whopper, improved to deliver more of the famous, great-tasting, very large sandwich tomatoes a few days earlier than its predecessor.
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Patio Tomato
The name says it all. This good-tasting compact hybrid for containers has earned a place in on American balconies, patios, and decks since 1965.
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The big, skirt-like flowers and bright colors of petunias are reasons they are forever popular.
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Phoenix Tomato
Phoenix tomato really shines in climes where summer heat makes the thermometer hover in the 90-plus-degree range.
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Pink Brandywine Heirloom Tomato
One of the best-flavored heirlooms, Brandywine has been prized since the late 1800s.
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Poblano Hot Pepper
This popular Mexican pepper is often roasted or used for chiles rellenos while still green. The red, dried form makes delicious mole sauce.
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Porter Tomato
These delicious, full-flavored tomatoes are borne in charming clusters.
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The flowers of portulaca are like delicate little roses rambling across the ground.
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Red Beefsteak Heirloom Tomato
This old hybrid still has many fans. Heavy foliage helps protect tomatoes from sunburn.
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Red Leaf Lettuce
Red lettuce lends color, a light texture, and distinctive flavor to salads. The slightly ruffled leaves make a beautiful garnish, too.
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Roma Tomato
Roma, the standard paste tomato, has high levels of sugar, acids, and pectin along with less moisture than normal tomatoes. This makes it perfect for cooking down into thick sauces and paste.
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No garden or kitchen should be without the crispy, gourmet leaves of this romaine, the main ingredient in Caesar salad.
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Rutgers Heirloom Tomato
One of the first improved tomatoes, Rutgers has been prized for canning or slicing since its development in 1934.
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San Francisco Fog Heirloom Tomato
Choose the San Francisco Fog Tomato in cool, wet areas where other tomato varieties don't produce.
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San Marzano Heirloom Tomato
If you plan to can, plant at least 6 plants for a family of four.
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Sandia Hot Pepper
Sandia ripens from green to red. The redder the pepper, the hotter.
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Sangria Pepper
These tiny, colorful peppers beg to be picked and even used in arrangements.
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Santa Fe Grande Guero Hot Pepper
This pretty, cone-shaped chile pepper ripens from yellow to red.
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Sarah's Choice Cantaloupe
One of the joys of eating homegrown cantaloupe is savoring the rich flavor and intense aroma. Sarah's Choice won't disappoint in either of these categories.
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Seattle's Best Heirloom Tomato
This heirloom is popular, you guessed it, in the Seattle area where mornings can be quite damp and cool even in summer.
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Silver Queen Corn
Over and over again, Americans choose Silver Queen as their favorite sweet corn!
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Stonehead Cabbage
This hybrid cabbage forms a rock-solid, round head and is disease resistant.
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Straight Eight Cucumber
This classic cucumber, which earned All America Selections honor in 1935, is still one of America's favorites.
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Straightneck Squash
An All America Selections Winner, Straightneck squash is well adapted throughout the US
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Sugar Buns Corn
Sugar Buns is for gardeners and cooks who like the sweetest of sweet corn.
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Summer Set Tomato
Summer Set survives and thrives in both intense heat and intense wet weather.
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Sun Sugar Tomato
These great little yellow cherry tomatoes, which are actually orange at peak flavor, will add color to salads and fresh pasta dishes, if they make to the table. They are so sweet that they might all get eaten in the meantime. Seriously.
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Super Fantastic Tomato
A hybrid with delicious flavor, this tomato is a must-have for many gardeners.
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Super Sweet 100 Tomato
Super Sweet 100 is named for the long clusters that bear many sweet, bite-sized tomatoes.
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Sweet 'n' Neat Cherry Tomato
The smallest tomato plant we sell, Sweet 'n' Neat is the exception to the rules about container sizes. One plant fits in a small, 10-inch container, even a hanging basket.
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Sweet Banana Pepper
This pepper won All America Selections recognition in 1941 and has been a garden favorite ever since.
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Sweet Red Cherry Pepper
Use this bite-sized red pepper whole atop dishes as a garnish, or incorporated into the dish for flavor.
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Texas Super Sweet (1015Y) Onion
This onion's mild nature means fewer tears when you're slicing and dicing.
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Texas Sweet White Onion
A sweet onion especially popular in Texas, but delicious anywhere.
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Thai Hot Ornamental Pepper
Often used as an ornamental, these small, extremely pungent Thai Hot peppers can be eaten fresh or dried.
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Tumbling Tom Red Cherry Tomato
Hang this cascading beauty right outside the kitchen door for easy picking.
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Tumbling Tom Yellow Cherry Tomato
This plant's waterfall of vines can reach up 30 inches long, so hang it high!
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Vinca is a durable favorite for sunny spots in summer. Its salt tolerance also makes it a good choice along the coast.
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Waltham Butternut Squash
There is a lot to eat inside a butternut squash, so a few go a long way. Because they store so well, you can enjoy them all winter until they run out.
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Wee B Little Pumpkin
Wee Be Little's miniature fruit is sure to bring a smile in the garden and when used in autumn decor.
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Winterbor Kale
The frilly leaves of kale make a beautiful garnish and are delicious cooked or raw.
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Yellow Bell Pepper
Yellow bells are tasty and add variety to any dish calling for bell pepper.
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Yellow Pear Heirloom Cherry Tomato
Named for its color and shape, this beautiful, bite-sized heirloom is prized for snacking, salads, and as a complement to any dish.
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Yummy Snacking Pepper
This is a snack sized pepper meant to eat like a banana, but there's no peel, of course. Eat them by the bowl full.
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