Farming Supplies

Formax Egg Ration Pellet
Manufactured drug-free from natural grains in mini-pellet form to increase consumption and reduce waste.
- A complete feed for laying hens
- Manufactured in mini-pellet form
- Contains no antibiotics or additives
- Balanced for lysine and methonine (amino acid components of protein essential in eggs) to ensure peak egg production
- Formulated to meet and/or exceed the nutrient requirements established by the National Research Council
- Fortified with essential macro-minerals, vitamins and trace minerals to support a strong skeletal system, stimulate the immune system and promote health
- Ideal for free-range hens or the production of organic or naturally produced eggs
- All grains used in Formax products are screened on receipt to remove any impurities prior to use in manufacturing
- Only U.S. Number 2 corn is used by Formax --- damaged grain or corn screenings are not permitted in the plant